Board Foot Price Calculator – Accurate Lumber Costs

This tool will help you easily calculate the cost of lumber based on board feet.

How to Use the Board Foot Price Calculator

This calculator is designed to help you determine the price of lumber based on its dimensions and the price per board foot. To use the calculator:

  1. Enter the Length of the lumber in feet.
  2. Enter the Width of the lumber in inches.
  3. Enter the Thickness of the lumber in inches.
  4. Enter the Price per Board Foot in US dollars.
  5. Click the Calculate button to see the total price.

How It Calculates the Results

The board foot is a unit of measurement for the volume of lumber, and the formula used is:

Board Foot Volume = (Length (feet) * Width (inches) * Thickness (inches)) / 144

The price is then calculated by multiplying the board foot volume by the price per board foot.


While this calculator aims to provide accurate results, it has the following limitations:

  • It assumes that the lumber is perfectly rectangular.
  • The user must ensure that the dimensions are entered correctly and that the units are accurate.
  • It does not account for waste or imperfections in the lumber.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate the board foot price

Enter the length, width, and thickness of the board to calculate the total board footage. Input the price per board foot to get the total price of the board based on the given dimensions. The calculator will automatically compute the accurate cost per board foot for you.

Determine the board footage

Fill in the length, width, and thickness of the board in feet to determine the board footage. This calculator will multiply the dimensions together to give you the total board footage measurement. You can then use this information to calculate the cost of the board based on the price per board foot.

Estimate the total cost of boards

Input the number of boards you need along with the price per board foot to estimate the total cost. This calculator will help you quickly figure out the total cost of the required boards based on the provided dimensions and price per board foot. Save time and energy with this handy tool!

Calculate board dimensions

If you know the board footage and one dimension but need to find another, this calculator can help. Input the board footage, one known dimension, and the thickness to calculate the missing dimension. You’ll get the exact measurements you need for your project.

Compare prices from different suppliers

Enter the dimensions and the price per board foot from different suppliers to compare prices. This calculator will calculate the total cost of the boards from each supplier, allowing you to easily compare and make an informed decision on the best deal for your project.

Adjust dimensions for different prices

If you want to adjust the size of the board based on different prices, simply input the dimensions and play around with the price per board foot. The calculator will automatically adjust the total price based on the changes you make to help you find the right balance between size and cost.

Calculate price based on lumber grades

Specify the lumber grade and the dimensions to calculate the total board foot price. Different grades of lumber come at varying prices per board foot. This calculator enables you to input the grade along with the dimensions to determine the total cost based on the selected grade quality.

Estimate total board feet needed

If you have the dimensions of multiple boards needed for a project, enter them to calculate the total board footage required. This tool will sum up the individual board footages to give you an estimate of the total board footage needed for your project, helping you plan efficiently.

Calculate cost for irregularly shaped boards

For boards with irregular shapes, input the dimensions at their widest points to calculate the total board footage. The calculator will compute the board footage accurately based on the provided dimensions, ensuring you get an exact cost estimation for the irregularly shaped boards.

Plan material costs for projects

If you’re planning a project and need to estimate the material costs, enter the dimensions and the price per board foot to get the total cost. This calculator will give you a quick and reliable way to plan your material expenses accurately, helping you stay within your budget.