Carpet Calculator For Stairs – Easy Measurement Tool

This tool helps you quickly and accurately calculate the amount of carpet needed for your stairs.

How to Use the Carpet Calculator for Stairs

This tool helps you estimate the amount of carpet you will need to cover your stairs. Please follow these steps:

  1. Enter the total number of steps on your stairs in the “Number of Steps” field.
  2. Provide the width of each step in meters in the “Width of Each Step” field.
  3. Enter the depth of each step in meters in the “Depth of Each Step” field. This is the horizontal measurement from the front to the back of each step.
  4. Input the rise of each step in meters in the “Rise of Each Step” field. This is the vertical measurement from one step to the next.
  5. Click the “Calculate” button to get the total amount of carpet you need in square meters.

Calculation Method

The total carpet required is calculated based on the surface area of each step, which includes both the step surface and the riser. The calculation formula is:

Total Carpet Required = Number of Steps * (Step Width * (Step Depth + Step Rise))

For example, if you have 10 steps, each 1 meter wide, 0.3 meters deep, and with a rise of 0.18 meters, the calculation would be:

10 * (1 * (0.3 + 0.18)) = 10 * 0.48 = 4.8 square meters


Please note this calculator assumes all steps are of the same dimensions, and the calculation does not account for any landings or irregular step shapes. It provides a rough estimate, and you may need to purchase slightly more carpet to ensure complete coverage.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate the Total Area of Carpet Needed for Stairs

Enter the dimensions of each stair tread and riser to accurately calculate the total square footage needed for carpeting your stairs. Our calculator will ensure you purchase the correct amount of carpet without any waste, saving you time and money.

Determine the Quantity of Carpets Needed

By inputting the dimensions and the total area of your stairs, you can easily determine the number of carpets required to cover each stair. Get precise measurements and avoid the hassle of buying too much or too little carpet material.

Estimate the Cost of Carpeting Your Stairs

After entering the price per square foot of your chosen carpet, our calculator will provide you with an estimate of the total cost to carpet your stairs. Plan your budget effectively and know exactly how much you will be spending.

Calculate the Total Length of Carpet Runners

By inputting the width and length of each stair runner, you can calculate the total length of carpet runners needed for your stairs. Ensure a perfect fit for your stairs and visualize how the carpet runners will enhance your home decor.

Optimize Carpet Placement for Patterned Carpets

With the ability to preview the placement of patterned carpets on your stairs, you can optimize the layout for a cohesive and visually appealing look. Ensure the patterns align seamlessly for a professional finish.

Switch Between Different Measurement Units

Easily switch between different measurement units such as inches, feet, or meters to ensure compatibility with your preferred unit of measurement. Our calculator offers flexibility to accommodate your specific needs and measurement preferences.

Save and Share Your Calculations

Save your carpet calculations for future reference or share them with family and friends for their input. Have easy access to your measurements when discussing your carpeting project with professionals or seeking advice.

Adjust Measurements and Compare Results

Make adjustments to your stair dimensions and instantly see how the calculations change. Compare different scenarios to find the perfect fit for your carpeting project and make informed decisions based on accurate measurements.

Print Detailed Reports for Your Records

Generate and print detailed reports of your carpeting calculations for your records or to discuss with contractors. Keep a clear record of all measurements and estimates to streamline the carpeting process.

Access the Calculator on Various Devices

Enjoy the convenience of accessing our carpet calculator on various devices including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Calculate your carpet needs anytime, anywhere, and plan your stair carpeting project with ease.

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