Vinyl Fence Cost Calculator – Accurate Pricing Tool

This tool helps you estimate the total cost of installing a vinyl fence based on your specific measurements and requirements.

How to Use the Vinyl Fence Cost Calculator

This calculator helps you estimate the total cost of your vinyl fence project based on several parameters. To use the calculator, please follow these steps:

  1. Enter the total length of the fence in feet.
  2. Enter the height of the fence in feet.
  3. Enter the number of posts required for the fence.
  4. Enter the number of gates required for the fence.
  5. Enter the price per foot for the vinyl material.
  6. Enter the price per post.
  7. Enter the price per gate.
  8. Click the ‘Calculate’ button to get the total estimated cost.

How It Calculates the Results

The calculator uses the following formula to determine the total cost:

Total Cost = (Length * Price per Foot) + (Number of Posts * Price per Post) + (Number of Gates * Price per Gate)

Each input field is multiplied by its respective price to give the sub-total, and all sub-totals are summed to give the total cost.


This calculator provides an estimate and may not reflect the actual costs of your project due to variations in labor, shipping, and additional materials needed.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate Total Cost

Enter the length of the fence you need, select the type of vinyl fence, and input the cost per panel to instantly calculate the total cost, including materials and installation.

Compare Different Options

Input the details of multiple vinyl fence options like length, style, and cost to compare the total prices and make an informed decision based on your budget and preferences.

Estimate Installation Charges

Get an estimate of the installation charges by adding the cost of labor per hour or per square foot to the total materials cost of your chosen vinyl fence.

Factor in Additional Costs

Add any additional costs such as gates, posts, post caps, or decorative elements to the total cost calculation for a comprehensive understanding of the overall expenses.

Adjust Fence Length

Easily adjust the length of the fence to see how it affects the total cost, allowing you to explore different options and stay within your budget constraints.

Save and Print Results

Save the calculated cost estimates for future reference or print them out to discuss with contractors or use as a reference when purchasing materials and arranging installation.

Get Itemized Cost Breakdown

View an itemized breakdown of costs, including materials, labor, additional items, and taxes, to understand where your money is being allocated and make any necessary adjustments.

Optimize for Budget

Experiment with different options and configurations to optimize for your budget, ensuring that you get the best value for your money without compromising on quality or style.

Request Quotes from Contractors

Use the calculated total cost as a reference point to request quotes from different contractors, helping you to negotiate the best deal and choose a provider that meets your requirements.

Plan for Future Expenses

Anticipate future expenses by factoring in maintenance costs or potential repairs into the total cost calculation, allowing you to budget effectively for the long-term upkeep of your vinyl fence.