House Square Footage Calculator – Accurate Home Size Measurements

Calculate the total square footage of your house by entering the dimensions of each room.

How to Use

To calculate the square footage of your house:

  1. Enter the length of the house in feet.
  2. Enter the width of the house in feet.
  3. Enter the height of the house in feet.
  4. Specify the number of stories in your house.
  5. Click on the “Calculate” button to get the result.


This calculator takes into account the length, width, and number of stories of the house to calculate the total square footage. The formula used is:

Square Footage = Length × Width × Number of Stories

Note that this calculator assumes each story is the same size and does not account for irregular shapes or attached garages.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate Total Square Footage

Enter the measurements of each room in your house, and the calculator will add them up to give you the total square footage of your home. Make sure to include all rooms and spaces accurately for an exhaustive result.

Estimate Square Footage per Floor

If you have multiple floors, input the measurements of each floor separately. The calculator will calculate the square footage for each floor to give you a clear idea of the space distribution in your house.

Determine Square Footage for Each Room

For a detailed breakdown, enter the dimensions of each room individually. The calculator will provide you with the square footage for every single room, helping you understand the size of each space.

Include Non-Living Spaces

Don’t forget to include non-living spaces like hallways, closets, and bathrooms. These areas contribute to the total square footage of your home and impact the overall space utilization.

Calculate Square Footage for Renovation Projects

If you are planning renovations, use the calculator to determine the square footage of the areas you want to remodel. This will help you estimate costs accurately and plan the project efficiently.

Compare Interior vs. Exterior Square Footage

You can also use the calculator to compare the interior square footage with the exterior square footage of your house. This comparison can reveal insights into the layout and design of your home.

Calculate Square Footage for Carpeting or Flooring

If you are considering installing new flooring or carpeting, use the calculator to estimate the square footage of the areas you want to cover. This will assist you in purchasing the right amount of materials.

Plan Furniture Layout

Knowing the square footage of each room allows you to plan the layout and placement of furniture effectively. Visualize different furniture arrangements based on the calculated square footage for optimal use of space.

Assess Space Utilization Efficiency

By determining the total square footage of your house, you can assess how efficiently the space is utilized. Identify areas that may be underutilized and explore ways to maximize the functionality of every room.

Track Changes in Square Footage Over Time

Use the calculator to track any changes in square footage if you make additions or renovations to your house. This will help you keep a record of the evolution of your home’s size and layout over time.