Wall Paint Calculator – Accurate Room Coverage

This tool helps you calculate the amount of paint you need for your wall.

How to Use the Wall Paint Calculator

The wall paint calculator helps you estimate the amount of paint you need for your painting project. You need to provide the following information:

  • Wall Length: The length of the wall in meters.
  • Wall Height: The height of the wall in meters.
  • Number of Windows: The number of windows on the wall.
  • Number of Doors: The number of doors on the wall.
  • Number of Coats: The number of coats of paint you plan to apply.

Once you have filled in all the information, click the “Calculate” button to see the result. The result will be displayed as the total amount of paint required in liters.

How the Calculator Works

The calculator follows these steps to calculate the amount of paint needed:

  1. Calculate the total area of the wall by multiplying the wall length by the wall height.
  2. Subtract the area occupied by windows and doors. This is done by assuming an average area of 1.5 square meters for each window and 2 square meters for each door.
  3. The effective area is then multiplied by the number of coats to get the total area to be painted.
  4. The total area is divided by the coverage rate of the paint, assumed to be 10 square meters per liter.


This calculator assumes standard sizes for windows and doors and a standard coverage rate for the paint. The actual amount of paint required may vary based on the specific sizes and the type of paint used.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate Wall Area

Enter the width and height of the wall, the calculator will multiply these dimensions to give you the total wall area to be painted. This makes it easy to determine how much paint you need for the entire wall accurately.

Determine Paint Coverage

Input the coverage of your paint per gallon or liter, and the calculator will tell you how many gallons or liters you need based on the wall area. This ensures you buy just the right amount of paint without excess or shortage.

Select Paint Finish

Choose the type of paint finish you want for your walls, like matte, eggshell, or satin. The calculator considers different finishes to provide accurate paint quantity estimations tailored to your preferred style.

Factor in Multiple Walls

If you’re painting more than one wall, you can enter the dimensions for each wall separately. The calculator will sum up the total wall area and give you a comprehensive estimate of the paint needed for all walls combined.

Include Windows and Doors

Input the dimensions of windows and doors on the wall. The calculator deducts these areas from the total wall area to provide a more precise paint quantity required, saving you from overestimating paint needs.

Calculate Priming Needs

If you plan to prime the walls before painting, you can input the coverage of the primer. The calculator will determine the amount of primer needed based on the total wall area, ensuring proper wall preparation.

Account for Paint Layers

If you intend to apply multiple coats of paint, input the number of coats required. The calculator factors in these layers to give you a realistic estimate of the total paint quantity needed to achieve the desired finish.

Consider Accent Walls

If you have accent walls of different dimensions or paint finishes, you can calculate them separately. The calculator allows you to customize estimates for each unique wall in your space.

Estimate Paint Cost

Enter the price per gallon or liter of your chosen paint. The calculator will multiply this with the total paint quantity required to provide you with an estimated cost for the paint needed for your wall painting project.

Save and Print Results

After calculating the paint requirements, you can save or print the results for future reference or shopping. This feature enables you to keep track of your project details and make informed decisions while purchasing paint supplies.