Asphalt Vs Concrete Driveway Cost Calculator – Compare Prices

This tool helps you compare the costs of asphalt and concrete driveways for your project.

How to Use the Driveway Cost Calculator

To use this calculator, input the following values:

  • Length: The length of your driveway in feet.
  • Width: The width of your driveway in feet.
  • Thickness: The thickness of the material in inches.
  • Asphalt Cost: The cost of asphalt per square foot in your area.
  • Concrete Cost: The cost of concrete per square foot in your area.
  • Location Adjustment Factor: Enter a percentage factor to adjust costs based on your specific location. Default is 100 for no adjustment.

Press the Calculate button to see the estimated costs for both asphalt and concrete.

How the Calculator Works

The calculator computes the costs using the formula:

  • Volume: length * width * (thickness / 12) to convert thickness from inches to feet.
  • Area: length * width
  • Total Cost: area * cost per square foot * location adjustment factor

The results provide estimates to help you compare the costs of using asphalt versus concrete for your driveway.


The calculator assumes simple rectangular driveway dimensions and does not account for complex shapes, excavation costs, labor, or any additional fees. Use this tool for rough estimates; consult a professional for an accurate quote based on your specific project and location.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate Asphalt Driveway Cost

Enter the square footage of your driveway surface and get an instant estimate of the cost to install an asphalt driveway. The calculator factors in material costs, labor, and any additional expenses that may arise.

Calculate Concrete Driveway Cost

Input the total area of your driveway to receive a detailed breakdown of the cost for a concrete driveway installation. The calculator considers the price of concrete, reinforcement, and other necessary supplies.

Compare Asphalt and Concrete Costs

Effortlessly compare the total costs between asphalt and concrete driveways based on your specific project requirements. Easily decide which option fits within your budget and needs.

Adjust Material Prices

Have the flexibility to adjust the prices of asphalt and concrete materials to match current market rates. See how fluctuations in material costs impact your overall project budget.

Incorporate Labor Expenses

Include labor costs in your calculation by entering the average labor rate in your area. Understand the significance of labor expenses in the total cost of your driveway project.

Factor in Additional Costs

Account for any additional expenses such as equipment rental, site preparation, or permit fees by entering these costs into the calculator. Get a comprehensive overview of all potential expenditures.

Save and Print Estimates

Save your project estimates for future reference or print them out for discussions with contractors. Keep track of your calculations and easily share them with stakeholders.

Consult Cost Breakdown

View a detailed cost breakdown including material costs, labor expenses, and any added fees. Understand where the bulk of your budget is allocated for better planning.

Receive Customized Recommendations

Based on your input, receive personalized recommendations on whether an asphalt or concrete driveway best suits your budget and preferences. Make an informed decision tailored to your needs.

Access on Multiple Devices

Enjoy the convenience of using the calculator on various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Access your cost estimates anytime, anywhere with ease.

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