Attic Remodel Cost Calculator – Estimate Your Project

Use this attic remodel cost calculator to quickly estimate the total cost of remodeling your attic.

Attic Remodel Cost Calculator

This calculator helps you estimate the total cost of remodeling an attic. Enter each parameter to get the estimated cost.

How to Use this Calculator

  1. Enter the total area of the attic in square feet.
  2. Enter the cost per square foot for different materials such as flooring, insulation, drywall, painting, and electrical wiring.
  3. Enter the total labor cost.
  4. If there are any additional costs, enter those as well (optional).
  5. Click the “Calculate” button to see the estimated total cost.

How This Calculator Works

The total cost is calculated by multiplying the area of the attic by the cost per square foot of each material, and then adding the labor costs and any additional costs. The formula used is:

Total Cost = (Area * (Flooring + Insulation + Drywall + Painting + Wiring)) + Labor + Additional


This calculator provides an estimate only and should not be considered as a final quote. Factors such as quality of materials, local labor rates, and unforeseen expenses can affect the actual cost. Always consult a professional for a detailed estimate.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate Total Attic Remodel Cost

Enter the square footage of your attic, select the type of remodel (basic, mid-range, or upscale), and the calculator will provide you with the total cost estimate. You can easily adjust the numbers to see how different choices affect the overall cost.

Estimate Cost of Insulation and Drywall

Specify the square footage and type of insulation and drywall needed for your attic remodel project. The calculator will give you an estimate of the total cost for these materials, helping you plan your budget effectively.

Determine Labor Costs

Input the estimated hours of labor required for your attic renovation and the hourly labor rate. The calculator will calculate the total labor cost, giving you a clear idea of how much you need to budget for professional help.

Compare Flooring Options

Select different flooring materials such as carpet, hardwood, or laminate, along with the total square footage. The calculator will show you the cost breakdown for each option, allowing you to make an informed decision based on your budget and preferences.

Calculate Lighting Fixtures Cost

Enter the number and type of lighting fixtures you want to install in your attic. The calculator will provide you with the total cost for lighting, helping you determine the best lighting solution within your budget.

Estimate Painting Costs

Specify the square footage to be painted and the type of paint you plan to use. The calculator will give you an estimate of the total cost for paint and painting supplies, making it easier to plan for this aspect of your remodel.

Budget for Windows and Skylights

Enter the number and size of windows and skylights you intend to install in your attic. The calculator will show you the total cost for these additions, allowing you to adjust your budget accordingly and explore different options.

Calculate HVAC System Installation Costs

Input the square footage of your attic and the type of HVAC system you need. The calculator will estimate the total cost of installing the heating and cooling system, giving you a clear picture of this major expense in your remodel project.

Estimate Plumbing Costs for Bathroom Addition

If you plan to add a bathroom in your attic, input the fixtures needed (sink, toilet, shower) and the plumbing requirements. The calculator will provide you with an estimate of the total plumbing costs, helping you include this crucial aspect in your budget.

Calculate Total Project Cost with Contingency

Add a contingency percentage to your total estimated cost to account for unexpected expenses. The calculator will give you a final budget figure, ensuring you are prepared for any surprises during your attic remodel project.

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