Bathroom Remodel Calculator – Estimate Your Costs

This tool helps you calculate the cost of your bathroom remodel based on your inputs.

Bathroom Remodel Calculator

This calculator helps you estimate the total cost of a bathroom remodel based on various parameters like the size of the bathroom, flooring cost, wall tiles cost, fixture cost, and labor costs.

How to Use It:

  1. Enter the length and width of your bathroom in feet.
  2. Enter the cost of flooring per square foot.
  3. Enter the cost of wall tiles per square foot.
  4. Enter the total cost of fixtures you’d like to install.
  5. Enter the labor cost per hour and the total number of labor hours required for the remodel.
  6. Click the “Calculate” button to see the estimated total cost of your bathroom remodel.

How It Calculates:

The calculator computes the total cost based on the following formula:

  • Flooring Cost = Length * Width * Cost per sq. ft.
  • Wall Tiles Cost = 2 * (Length + Width) * Wall Height * Cost per sq. ft. (assumed wall height is 8 feet)
  • Total Fixture Cost = Given fixture cost
  • Total Labor Cost = Labor Hours * Labor Cost per Hour
  • Total Cost = Flooring Cost + Wall Tiles Cost + Total Fixture Cost + Total Labor Cost


This calculator provides an estimate based on standard parameters and typical labor rates. The actual cost may vary based on your location, the specific materials chosen, and other variables not accounted for here.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculating Square Footage

To start your bathroom remodel project, input the length and width of the space to calculate the square footage accurately. This calculation will help determine the amount of materials needed for tiling, flooring, and wall coverings.

Estimating Materials Cost

By entering the type of material and quantity required, you can estimate the total cost for tiles, flooring, paint, and fixtures. This will give you an overview of the expenses involved in the renovation process.

Fixture Budget Planning

Specify the number and type of fixtures you intend to install, including sinks, faucets, toilets, and lighting. This will help you plan and allocate your budget efficiently for each fixture category.

Wall and Floor Tile Calculation

Determine the size and pattern of the tiles you want to use for the walls and floors. By inputting the dimensions of the area to be tiled, you can calculate the exact number of tiles required, reducing waste and saving costs.

Paint Quantity Estimation

Specify the color and type of paint you plan to use for your bathroom walls. By entering the wall dimensions, the calculator will estimate the quantity of paint needed, ensuring you buy the correct amount without excess.

Project Timeline Management

Set a start date and desired completion date for your bathroom remodel project. The calculator will help you create a realistic timeline by breaking down tasks and deadlines, assisting you in managing the renovation efficiently.

Budget Allocation for Labor

Input the estimated labor cost per hour and the number of hours required for your bathroom remodel project. The calculator will help you allocate a budget for labor expenses, ensuring you stay within your overall renovation budget.

Plumbing Fixture Costs

Enter the details of plumbing fixtures such as showerheads, faucets, and drainage systems to estimate the total cost. This feature helps you allocate funds for plumbing components and avoid overspending in this area.

Electric Fixture Budgeting

Specify the electrical fixtures needed for your bathroom, such as lighting, exhaust fans, and heating systems. By inputting the quantity and type of fixtures, you can budget effectively for the electrical aspect of your remodel.

Final Budget Recap

After entering all the necessary details, the calculator will provide you with a final budget recap for your bathroom remodel project. This comprehensive overview will help you make informed decisions and ensure that your renovation stays within budget.

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