Calculator Sq Ft – Accurate Square Footage Tool

Use this tool to quickly calculate the square footage of any space by entering its length and width.

Input Parameters:


How to Use the Square Footage Calculator

Enter the measurements of the area you need to calculate:

  • Length (ft): The length of the area in feet.
  • Width (ft): The width of the area in feet.
  • Shape: Select either rectangle or triangle for the shape of the area. If the shape is a triangle, an additional input for height will be displayed.
  • Height (ft): (Triangles only) The height of the triangle in feet.

Press the “Calculate” button to see the results. The result will show the shape, dimensions, and the calculated square footage.

How It Calculates the Results

The calculator uses the following formulas to compute the square footage:

  • Rectangle: Length × Width
  • Triangle: 0.5 × Width × Height


This calculator accepts only numeric values for length, width, and height. Please ensure all inputs are valid numbers to get the correct results. Non-numeric values will result in an error message.

Use Cases for This Calculator

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