Carpet Cost Per Square Foot Calculator – Accurate Estimates

This tool calculates the total cost to carpet your space based on your entered dimensions and price per square foot.

Carpet Cost Calculator

How to Use the Carpet Cost Calculator

This calculator helps you determine the total cost for carpeting a room based on its width, length, and the cost per square foot of the carpet.


  1. Enter the Width of the room in feet.
  2. Enter the Length of the room in feet.
  3. Enter the Cost per Square Foot of the carpet.
  4. Click on the Calculate button to get the total cost.

How it Calculates:

The calculator multiplies the width and length of the room to find the area in square feet. It then multiplies the area by the cost per square foot of the carpet to get the total cost.


  • Ensure all input values are positive numbers.
  • Decimals are allowed but make sure they are accurate to avoid calculation errors.
  • If any input is invalid or less than or equal to zero, “Invalid input” will be displayed in the result field.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate Total Cost for Carpet Based on Room Dimensions

Enter the length and width of the room, and the cost per square foot to determine the total cost of carpeting the space. Easily get an accurate estimate for your project without any complex calculations.

Compare Costs for Different Types of Carpeting

Input the costs per square foot of various carpet options to compare and make an informed decision. See how different materials and qualities of carpeting will affect the overall budget for your project.

Estimate Budget for Carpeting Multiple Rooms

Calculate the total cost for carpeting multiple rooms by entering the dimensions and cost per square foot for each space. Quickly figure out the total expenses for a complete carpeting project in your house.

Calculate Area of Irregularly Shaped Rooms

Measure the length and width at different points in irregularly shaped rooms to accurately calculate the area for carpeting. Obtain precise estimates even for rooms with unique layouts.

Incorporate Wastage Percentage in Cost Calculation

Add a wastage percentage to your calculations to allow for extra carpet needed for cuts and adjustments during installation. Ensure you have enough material by factoring in a commonly recommended wastage percentage.

Determine Cost for Staircase Carpeting

Input the dimensions and cost per square foot specifically for staircases to determine the total expense for carpeting your stairs. Get a tailored estimate for this specific area of your home.

Adjust Costs for Custom Carpet Design

If your design includes custom shapes or patterns, adjust the calculations accordingly to reflect the unique requirements of your project. Get an estimate that aligns with your creative vision for the space.

Factor in Additional Costs Such as Padding

Include additional expenses like carpet padding by entering the cost per square foot for these supplies. Get a comprehensive estimate that covers all necessary materials for your carpeting project.

Save and Print Calculation Results for Reference

Keep a record of your calculations by saving or printing the results, allowing you to refer back to them during your carpeting project. Have all the details at hand to stay organized and on budget.

Get Real-Time Updates as You Adjust Room Dimensions

See the total cost update instantly as you modify the room dimensions or cost per square foot, making it easy to explore different options and scenarios. Enjoy a dynamic and interactive experience while planning your carpeting project.

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