Chain Link Fence Cost Calculator – Estimate Your Fencing Expenses

This tool will help you estimate the cost of building a chain link fence for your property.

How to Use:

1. Enter the total length of the fence you plan to construct in feet.

2. Enter the desired height of the fence in feet.

3. Enter the cost of materials per foot. This includes the cost for each foot of the chain link fence material.

4. Enter the labor cost per foot. This is the cost you will pay for labor to install each foot of the fence.

5. Click on the “Calculate” button to get the total cost estimate displayed in the result field.

How It Calculates:

The total cost is calculated by adding the material cost and labor cost per foot and then multiplying by the total length of the fence.

Total Cost = (Material Cost per Foot + Labor Cost per Foot) * Total Length


This calculator assumes that material and labor costs are consistent per foot. Variations in these costs or other factors such as additional hardware, permits, and regional price differences are not accounted for.

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