Chimney Repair Cost Calculator – Estimate Your Expenses

Use this tool to estimate the cost of your chimney repair quickly and accurately.

Chimney Repair Cost Calculator

Use this calculator to estimate the cost of repairing your chimney. Enter the dimensions of your chimney, the cost per brick, the cost of mortar per cubic foot, and the estimated labor costs and time required.

How to Use:

  • Enter the width, height, and depth of your chimney in feet.
  • Input the cost per brick in dollars.
  • Input the cost of mortar per cubic foot in dollars.
  • Enter the hourly labor rate and estimated number of hours for completion.
  • Click the “Calculate” button to see the total estimated cost.

How It Calculates:

The calculator uses the dimensions of the chimney to estimate the total volume. It assumes a standard brick size and calculates the number of bricks required, factoring in the space taken up by mortar. The costs of bricks, mortar, and labor are then summed to provide a total estimated cost.


This calculator provides an estimate based on standard assumptions. Actual costs may vary based on specific circumstances, such as accessibility, local labor rates, and material prices. Always consult with a professional for a precise quote.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculating Chimney Repair Cost

Enter the required information like the type of chimney (brick, metal, or stone), the extent of damage (minor repairs, major repairs, or full rebuild), and the size of the chimney to get an accurate estimate of the repair cost.

Estimating Material Costs

Input the material cost per unit (brick, metal, or stone) and the quantity needed based on the damage assessment to calculate the total material expenses for repairing the chimney.

Evaluating Labor Costs

Specify the hourly labor rate and the estimated hours required for the repairs to determine the total labor expenses involved in fixing the chimney, providing you with a clear idea of the labor costs involved.

Comparing Repair vs. Rebuild Costs

By comparing the costs of repairing the chimney to that of rebuilding it, you can make an informed decision on whether it would be more cost-effective to repair the damage or opt for a complete chimney rebuild.

Considering Additional Costs

Factor in any additional costs such as chimney inspection fees, scaffolding rental, disposal fees, or permit costs to ensure you have a comprehensive estimate covering all potential expenses for the chimney repair project.

Estimating Total Chimney Repair Budget

Sum up the material costs, labor expenses, and any additional costs to arrive at the total budget required for the chimney repair, enabling you to plan your finances effectively for the upcoming project.

Adjusting Costs for Geographic Location

Factor in the regional cost variations by adjusting the material and labor costs based on your geographic location to obtain a more precise estimate tailored to the specific market rates in your area.

Getting Quotes from Multiple Contractors

Use the estimated repair costs as a benchmark when seeking quotes from different chimney repair contractors, allowing you to compare their pricing against the calculated estimate and choose the most competitive offer.

Saving and Printing Estimates

Save the detailed estimate for future reference or print it out to discuss with contractors, ensuring transparency and clarity in the cost breakdown of the chimney repair project throughout the decision-making process.

Tracking Actual Expenses

As the repair project progresses, keep a record of the actual expenses incurred for materials, labor, and any additional costs to compare against the estimated budget, helping you stay within the planned financial framework for the repair.

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