This tool helps you calculate the number of cinder blocks needed to build your wall.
How to Use the Cinder Block Wall Calculator
To calculate the number of cinder blocks required for your wall:
- Enter the length of the wall in feet.
- Enter the height of the wall in feet.
- Enter the length of a cinder block in inches.
- Enter the height of a cinder block in inches.
- Enter the thickness of the mortar in inches.
- Click the “Calculate” button to get the result.
How the Calculator Works
This calculator determines the number of cinder blocks required for a given wall dimension by calculating the total number of blocks that fit both lengthwise and heightwise.
It first converts the wall dimensions from feet to inches to match the units of the block dimensions. Then it adds the mortar thickness to both the block length and height to account for the space occupied by mortar. Finally, it divides the wall dimensions by the total block dimensions and multiplies the two resulting values to get the total number of blocks required.
This calculator provides an estimate and does not account for:
- Openings such as doors and windows.
- Irregular wall shapes.
- Partial blocks for cuts and corners.
- Waste or extra blocks for errors or replacements.
As with any project, additional materials should be considered to cover any unforeseen circumstances or errors during construction.