This tool will help you estimate the total cost of building a deck.
Deck Cost Calculator
This deck cost calculator determines overall installation cost based on entered parameters.
How to Use:
- Enter the length and width of the deck in feet.
- Enter the material cost per square foot in dollars.
- Enter the labor cost per square foot in dollars.
- Enter the waste percentage to account for material loss.
- Click the “Calculate” button to determine the total cost.
How It Calculates:
The calculator first computes the area of the deck using the formula:
Area = Length × Width
Then it determines the total cost by adding the material and labor costs, including the waste percentage:
Material Cost = Area × Material Cost per Sqft Labor Cost = Area × Labor Cost per Sqft Waste = (Material Cost + Labor Cost) × (Waste Percentage / 100) Total Cost = Material Cost + Labor Cost + Waste
- Ensure all inputs are non-negative numbers.
- Calculator does not account for regional price variations or additional miscellaneous costs.