Drywall Cost Calculator – Estimate Your Project

This tool will help you estimate the total cost of drywall for your project.

Drywall Cost Calculator

Use this calculator to estimate the cost of your drywall project. Enter the width and height of the area, the cost per square foot of drywall, the labor cost per hour, and the time required per square foot.

How to Use the Calculator:

  • Enter the width of the drywall area in feet.
  • Enter the height of the drywall area in feet.
  • Enter the cost per square foot of drywall material in dollars.
  • Enter the labor cost per hour in dollars.
  • Enter the time required to install one square foot of drywall in hours.
  • Click the “Calculate” button to get the total estimated cost.

How It Calculates:

The calculator uses the following formula to compute the total cost:

Total Cost = (Area * Cost per SqFt) + (Area * Time per SqFt * Labor Cost per Hour)


  • Area is calculated as Width * Height.
  • Cost per SqFt is the cost of drywall material per square foot.
  • Time per SqFt is the labor time required per square foot.
  • Labor Cost per Hour is the cost of labor per hour.


This calculator provides an estimate and may not include additional costs such as waste, transportation, or other materials required for the project. Always consult with a professional for a more accurate assessment.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculating Drywall Area

To estimate the cost of drywall installation, input the length and width of the wall or ceiling to calculate the total area to be covered. Include any openings for windows or doors for more accurate results!

Choosing Drywall Type

Select the type of drywall needed for your project, whether it’s standard, moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, or soundproofing. This selection will help you determine the material cost for your specific requirements.

Adding Drywall Thickness

Specify the thickness of the drywall sheets required for your project, which can vary from 1/4 inch to 5/8 inch. Thicker drywall may be needed for better soundproofing or fire resistance, impacting the overall cost.

Calculating Drywall Screws

Estimate the number of screws needed based on the size of the drywall sheets and spacing requirements. This calculation ensures you have enough screws for proper installation and helps budget for additional materials.

Estimating Joint Compound

Determine the amount of joint compound required for taping and finishing the drywall seams. This estimation is crucial for achieving a smooth finish and hiding imperfections, affecting both cost and labor.

Adding Drywall Tape

Include the quantity of drywall tape needed for reinforcing joints between sheets and corners. This step is essential for preventing cracks and ensuring durability, impacting the overall cost of your project.

Calculating Labor Costs

Factor in the estimated labor costs for installing the drywall based on the square footage and complexity of the project. This calculation helps you budget for professional installation or DIY efforts.

Applying Finishing Materials

Include the cost of finishing materials such as primer, paint, and texture for completing the drywall surface. This step ensures you consider all aspects of the project for an accurate cost estimation.

Considering Waste Factor

Account for waste due to cutting and fitting drywall sheets, typically ranging from 10% to 20% depending on the complexity of the project. Adding a waste factor helps you budget for extra materials and reduces the risk of running short.

Reviewing Total Cost

After inputting all the necessary details, review the total cost estimate for your drywall project. This final calculation provides a comprehensive overview of expenses, ensuring you are well-prepared before starting the installation process.

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