Drywall Installation Cost Calculator – Estimate Your Costs

This tool helps you estimate the total cost of your drywall installation project.

Drywall Installation Cost Calculator

Use this calculator to estimate the cost for drywall installation based on the dimensions of the wall, drywall price, installation rate, and a waste factor.

How to Use It:

  1. Enter the length of the wall in feet.
  2. Enter the height of the wall in feet.
  3. Enter the price per sheet of drywall in dollars.
  4. Enter the installation rate per square foot in dollars.
  5. Enter the waste factor as a percentage.
  6. Click the ‘Calculate’ button.
  7. The total cost will be displayed in the ‘Total Cost’ field.

How It Calculates the Results:

  • Calculates the total wall area in square feet.
  • Applies the waste factor to calculate the required area accounting for material waste.
  • Calculates the number of drywall sheets needed based on standard 4×8 feet sheets.
  • Computes material cost based on the price per sheet.
  • Calculates labor cost based on the total area requiring drywall installation.
  • Sums up material and labor costs to provide the total cost.


  • The calculator assumes standard drywall sheet dimensions of 4×8 feet.
  • Does not account for special cuts or complex wall shapes.
  • Additional costs such as delivery, corners, finishing, and paint are not included.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculating Drywall Area

To calculate the drywall installation cost, input the length and width of the walls where the drywall will be installed. The calculator will then automatically calculate the total square footage of the area to be covered with drywall.

Estimating Drywall Material Cost

Based on the total square footage calculated, enter the price per square foot of drywall material. The calculator will then provide an estimate of the total cost of drywall materials needed for the installation.

Accounting for Ceiling Area

If you are also installing drywall on the ceiling, input the length and width of the ceiling area. The calculator will include the ceiling area in the total square footage calculation for accurate cost estimation.

Factoring in Labor Costs

Enter the hourly rate of labor for the drywall installation. Input the estimated number of hours required for the installation. The calculator will then calculate the total labor cost based on these inputs.

Adding Finishing Supplies Cost

If you need finishing supplies such as joint compound and tape, input the estimated cost of these supplies. The calculator will include this cost in the total estimation for a comprehensive budget overview.

Calculating Total Drywall Installation Cost

Once you have entered all the relevant cost inputs, the calculator will sum up the material cost, labor cost, and finishing supplies cost to provide you with the total estimated cost of the drywall installation.

Comparing Cost Estimates

Use the calculator to compare different scenarios by adjusting the input values. You can easily see how changes in square footage, material prices, or labor rates impact the total cost of the drywall installation.

Adjusting for Waste Factor

If you want to account for waste during the installation process, input a waste factor percentage. The calculator will adjust the material cost estimate to accommodate the additional materials needed due to waste.

Generating Itemized Cost Breakdown

Get a detailed breakdown of costs including material cost, labor cost, finishing supplies cost, and total installation cost. This itemized list will help you understand where the majority of your budget is allocated.

Printing or Saving Cost Estimate

After finalizing the input values, you can choose to print or save the cost estimate for future reference. This feature allows you to easily share the budget estimate with clients or team members.

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