Free Roof Size Calculator By Address – Accurate Results

This tool helps you calculate the size of your roof based on an address you provide.

How to Use the Roof Size Calculator

To use the roof size calculator, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the address of the property. This helps us to provide a specific result for your location.
  2. Enter the length and width of the roof in feet.
  3. Enter the slope of the roof in degrees. This is important to get a more accurate measurement.
  4. Click on the “Calculate” button.
  5. The result will be displayed in square feet.

How It Calculates the Results

The roof size calculator uses the input values to compute the roof area in square feet. Here’s how it works:

  • The length and width of the roof are multiplied to get the base area.
  • The slope of the roof is used to adjust the area calculation. The slope is converted to radians, and the cosine of the slope angle is used as a multiplier to account for the roof’s inclination.
  • The final result is the adjusted roof area in square feet.


While this calculator provides a good estimate of roof size, it has some limitations:

  • The address input is not used to fetch any additional data; it’s only for user reference.
  • It assumes a simple rectangular roof shape. Complex roof geometries are not accounted for.
  • The slope adjustment uses a basic trigonometric function which may not be entirely accurate for all roof types.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate Roof Size by Address

Enter your address to instantly determine the size of your roof. The calculator utilizes advanced mapping technology to accurately estimate your roof’s dimensions based on your location.

Plan Solar Panel Installation

By knowing your roof’s size, you can plan the installation of solar panels efficiently. This tool helps you gauge the available space and optimize the placement of solar panels for maximum energy efficiency.

Estimate Roofing Material Costs

Get a quick estimation of the roofing materials required for your project. Knowing the precise roof size allows you to budget effectively and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Calculate Painting Costs

Determine the amount of paint needed for your roof with this calculator. Save time and money by accurately estimating paint costs based on the size of your roof.

Assess Roofing Labor Costs

Estimate labor costs for roofing projects by inputting your address. Understanding the roof size helps you plan labor expenses and choose cost-effective roofing services.

Plan Green Roof Installations

If you’re considering a green roof, knowing the roof size is crucial. Use this calculator to understand how much space is available for greenery and plan your eco-friendly roof installation.

Prepare for Roof Renovations

Before renovating your roof, use this tool to get a precise measurement. This data assists in selecting the right materials and planning the renovation process efficiently.

Assess Roof Water Drainage

Calculate your roof size to assess water drainage requirements accurately. This information is crucial for preventing water damage and optimizing the drainage system of your roof.

Plan Roof Expansion Projects

If you’re expanding your property, determine your roof’s size to plan extensions effectively. This calculator ensures that your new construction aligns seamlessly with your existing roof.

Optimize Roofing Warranty Coverage

Knowing your roof size aids in optimizing warranty coverage for roofing materials. Accurately estimating the size allows you to select the right warranty package that suits your roofing needs.

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