Gravel Volume Calculator – Accurate Measurements for Projects

This tool will help you quickly calculate the volume of gravel you need for your project.

How to Use the Gravel Volume Calculator

To use the gravel volume calculator, input the following parameters:

  • Length: The length of the area to be filled with gravel, in meters.
  • Width: The width of the area to be filled with gravel, in meters.
  • Depth: The depth of the gravel layer, in meters.
  • Gravel Density: The density of the gravel, in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3).

Click the “Calculate” button to get the volume of gravel required in cubic meters, and the total weight in kilograms.

How the Calculator Works

The calculator first computes the volume by multiplying the length, width, and depth of the area. It then multiplies the volume by the gravel density to get the total weight of the gravel.


Gravel Volume (cubic meters) = Length × Width × Depth

Total Weight (kg) = Gravel Volume × Gravel Density


This calculator assumes uniform measurements and may not account for irregularities in the shape of the area to be filled. For more precise calculations, consider dividing irregular areas into regular shapes and summing their volumes.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate Volume for Rectangular Area

Enter the length, width, and depth of the rectangular area to find the volume of gravel needed. Our calculator will multiply these dimensions to give you an accurate volume measurement.

Determine Volume for Circular Area

Input the radius and depth of the circular area to calculate the volume of gravel required. The calculator uses the formula for the volume of a cylinder with the given dimensions.

Estimate Volume for Triangular Area

Provide the base, height, and depth of the triangular area to estimate the volume of gravel for your project. The calculator will compute the volume using the formula for a triangular prism.

Calculate Volume for Irregular Shape

For irregular shapes, input the average width, average length, and depth to determine the gravel volume needed. The calculator will approximate the shape as a rectangular prism for volume calculation.

Adjust Units for Volume Calculation

If your measurements are in feet but you prefer the volume result in cubic yards, the calculator will automatically convert the units for you. No need to perform manual conversions!

Account for Wastage Percentage

Include a wastage percentage to the volume calculation by entering the percentage value. This will adjust the total volume of gravel needed to account for any material that may be lost during the project.

Save Calculations for Future Reference

Keep track of your gravel volume calculations by saving them for future reference. You can access your saved calculations later to compare estimates for different projects or quantities.

Share Results with Your Team

Easily share the calculated volume of gravel with your team members by using the sharing feature. Collaborate on projects more efficiently by communicating the exact material requirements.

Get Recommendations for Gravel Suppliers

Based on the calculated volume of gravel needed, receive recommendations for gravel suppliers in your area. Save time searching for suppliers and get competitive prices for your project.

Print or Export Results

Print or export the calculated gravel volume results for record-keeping or offline use. You can generate a PDF or CSV document with the details of your calculation to refer back to at any time.

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