how much chlorine to add to pool calculator: easy pool care

This tool calculates the amount of chlorine you need to add to your pool to maintain proper sanitation levels.

How Much Chlorine to Add to Your Pool

This calculator determines the amount of chlorine needed to achieve your desired chlorine level in your pool. Ensure to measure your pool dimensions accurately and check the current chlorine level before using the calculator.

How to Use the Calculator

  • Enter the pool’s length, width, and average depth in feet.
  • Enter the current chlorine level in parts per million (ppm).
  • Enter your desired chlorine level in parts per million (ppm).
  • Click the “Calculate” button to get the results.
  • The amount of chlorine needed will be displayed in ounces.

How It Calculates

The calculator uses the following formula:

  • Pool Volume = Length x Width x Depth x 7.48 (to convert to gallons)
  • Chlorine Needed = (Desired Chlorine – Current Chlorine) x Pool Volume / 10,000

This formula provides a rough estimate of the amount of chlorine required to increase the chlorine level in your pool to the desired level.


Please note that this calculator provides an estimate and does not account for various factors such as sunlight, pool usage, and type of chlorine used. Always test your pool water frequently and adjust chlorine levels as needed, following the manufacturer’s instructions on the chlorine packaging.

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