How Much Dirt Calculator – Fast & Accurate Results

This tool helps you calculate the amount of dirt you need for your project based on your specified area and depth.


How to Use the Calculator

To use the how much dirt calculator, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the length of the area you want to fill with dirt in meters.
  2. Enter the width of the area in meters.
  3. Enter the depth in meters.
  4. Enter the density of the soil in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³).
  5. Click on the ‘Calculate’ button to see the volume and mass of the soil required.

How It Calculates the Results

The calculator uses the following steps to determine the amount of dirt needed:

  1. It calculates the volume of soil required using the formula: Length × Width × Depth.
  2. It calculates the mass of soil using the formula: Volume × Density.


The accuracy of the calculator depends on the correctness of the input values. Ensure that you use precise measurements for the most accurate results. The density of the soil can vary based on its type, moisture content, and compaction, which may lead to variations in the calculated mass of soil required.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Garden Bed Preparation

When you’re ready to create a beautiful garden bed, knowing how much dirt you need is crucial. This calculator helps you determine the quantity of soil required based on the dimensions of your garden bed, ensuring you have just the right amount without excess waste.

Creating a Raised Garden Bed

If you’re designing a raised garden bed, this calculator steps in to simplify your planning. By inputting the length, width, and depth of the bed, you’ll discover exactly how much soil you’ll need to fill it, making the construction process a breeze.

Landscaping Projects

For landscaping projects like filling in low spots or creating new plant beds, this calculator is your best friend. Input your desired area specifications, and it will provide you with the volume of dirt needed to enhance your landscape effectively.

Building Planters

If you’re building wooden or concrete planters, calculating the right amount of dirt is essential for healthy plants. By entering the dimensions of each planter into the calculator, you ensure your plants have a proper environment to thrive.

Filling Pits or Holes

Whether it’s a large pit or minor holes around your property, knowing how much dirt to fill them is important. This calculator allows you to accurately assess the volume of dirt needed to restore the area to its original condition.

Soil Replacement for Lawns

When it’s time to replace your lawn soil due to wear and tear, this calculator takes the guesswork out of the equation. By measuring the area of your lawn, you can find out precisely how much fresh soil you’ll need for rejuvenation.

Adding Soil for New Trees

Planting new trees involves significant soil considerations to facilitate their growth. Use the calculator to determine how much dirt you need for the planting hole to create a nurturing environment for your new additions.

DIY Home Projects

If you’re getting your hands dirty with DIY home improvement projects, you’ll want to know how much dirt you need for any outdoor undertakings. This tool provides accurate calculations to keep your project on track and helps prevent last-minute runs to the supply store.

Creating a Pond or Water Feature

Enhancing your yard with a pond or water feature requires careful dirt calculations for proper shaping and leveling. Use the calculator to figure out the volume of dirt to remove or add for a balanced and attractive design.

Constructing a Pathway

When building a pathway, the right amount of dirt is essential for a stable foundation. Enter the dimensions into the calculator, and you’ll receive an accurate figure to ensure your pathway is safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing.