how much paint do i need calculator – Accurate Estimates

This tool calculates the amount of paint you need based on the dimensions of your walls.

How to Use the Paint Calculator:

To calculate how much paint you need, simply fill in the form with the following parameters:

  • Length of the wall: Enter the length of the wall in meters.
  • Width of the wall: Enter the width of the wall in meters.
  • Height of the wall: Enter the height of the wall in meters.
  • Doors: Specify the number of doors (default is 0).
  • Windows: Specify the number of windows (default is 0).
  • Coats: Specify the number of coats of paint you plan to apply (default is 1).
  • Coverage: Enter the coverage of your paint (square meters per liter).

After filling in the details, press the “Calculate” button, and the required amount of paint will be displayed in liters.

Explanation of Calculations:

The calculator works based on the formula:

Total Paint Required (liters) = Total Surface Area / Paint Coverage * Number of Coats


  • Total Surface Area = (2*(Length*Height + Width*Height)) – Area of Doors – Area of Windows
  • Area of one Door = 1.9 square meters
  • Area of one Window = 1.5 square meters


Please note that this calculator makes a few simple assumptions:

  • The area of one door is taken as 1.9 square meters.
  • The area of one window is taken as 1.5 square meters.
  • Surfaces such as ceilings, trims, and other details are not included in this calculation.
  • Curved or irregularly shaped walls are not considered.

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