Kitchen Cabinet Installation Cost Calculator – Estimate Your Project

This tool calculates the estimated cost of installing kitchen cabinets based on your input.

Kitchen Cabinet Installation Cost Calculator

How It Works

The Kitchen Cabinet Installation Cost Calculator computes the total cost based on the number of cabinets, the dimensions of each cabinet, the quality of materials used, and the installation rate. Here’s a breakdown of the fields you need to fill in:

  • Number of Cabinets: Enter the total number of cabinets you plan to install.
  • Cabinet Width, Height, and Depth: Enter the dimensions of each cabinet in inches.
  • Material Quality: Choose the quality of material for the cabinets. Higher quality materials cost more per square foot.
  • Installation Rate per Cabinet: Enter the cost for installing each cabinet.

How to Use

  1. Enter all the required details in the respective fields of the form.
  2. Click on the “Calculate” button to compute the total installation cost.
  3. The result will be displayed in the “Result” field.

Calculation Method

The calculator uses the following method to compute the total cost:

  1. Calculate the surface area of one cabinet (2*Height*Width + 2*Height*Depth + Bottom*Width*Depth, in square feet).
  2. Multiply the surface area by the material cost per square foot.
  3. Multiply the result by the number of cabinets to get the total material cost.
  4. Multiply the installation rate per cabinet by the number of cabinets to get the total installation cost.
  5. Add the total material cost and the total installation cost to get the final cost.


  • This calculator assumes that all cabinets are of the same size.
  • The material costs are estimates and may vary based on the market rates and supplier pricing.
  • The installation rate is assumed to be uniform for all cabinets.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate Total Cost

Input the number of kitchen cabinets you plan to install, specify the type and material quality. Click “Calculate” to see the total cost including installation fees. Get an accurate estimate for your budget planning.

Compare Materials

Select different materials like wood, laminate, or PVC for your cabinets. Input the dimensions to see price variations. Compare the cost and choose the best option that fits your style and budget.

Estimate Labor Charges

Enter the hourly labor rate and estimated hours required for installation. The calculator will give you the labor costs based on the type and number of cabinets. Plan your expenses with transparency.

Add Customization Costs

Include any customizations like additional shelves or design details. Input the specifics and see how they impact the overall cost. Customize your cabinets while keeping track of the expenses.

Account for Delivery Fees

Factor in delivery charges based on your location and the number of cabinets. Input the distance and quantity to get an accurate estimate of delivery fees. Avoid surprises in your budget with clear delivery cost calculations.

Consider Removal Costs

If you’re replacing old cabinets, input the number of cabinets to be removed. Estimate the removal fees and see how it affects your total expenses. Plan your project comprehensively by including removal costs.

Account for Taxes

Input the tax rate applicable to your area to calculate the total cost including taxes. Ensure you have a precise picture of the final amount you need to invest. Avoid last-minute budget adjustments by including tax estimation.

Get Breakdown of Costs

Receive a detailed breakdown showing material costs, labor charges, customization expenses, delivery fees, taxes, and the total amount. Understand where each dollar goes in your cabinet installation budget. Make informed decisions based on clear cost details.

Save and Print Estimates

If you’re satisfied with the calculated cost, save the estimate for future reference. Choose to print the detailed breakdown to share with contractors or for your records. Keep your budget organized and accessible throughout the project.

Request Quotes

After calculating the cost, click on a button to request quotes from local contractors. Fill in your contact details and project specifics to get tailored quotes. Simplify your search for installers by connecting directly through the calculator.

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