Kitchen Remodel Calculator – Estimate Your Renovation Costs

This tool will help you estimate the total cost of your kitchen remodel based on your specific needs.


This kitchen remodel calculator estimates the cost of remodeling a kitchen based on the dimensions of the kitchen and the cost of various elements like countertops, cabinets, flooring, appliances, and labor. To use it, fill in the required fields and click the Calculate button. The result will display the total estimated cost.

How it Works:

The calculator multiplies the length and width of your kitchen to get the total square footage. It then multiplies the square footage by your input costs for countertops, cabinets, and flooring to get partial totals for each element. The appliance cost is added directly, and the labor cost is calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by the estimated hours. All these values are summed to give the final estimated cost.


This calculator provides an estimate and actual costs can vary based on factors like material grade, location, and unforeseen issues. Always consult with a professional for an accurate estimate.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate Total Square Footage

Enter the dimensions of your kitchen to calculate the total square footage for your remodel project. Measure the length and width of your kitchen space and input the values into the calculator to get an accurate estimate. This will help you determine how much material you need for flooring, countertops, and paint.

Estimate Material Costs

Input the type and quantity of materials needed for your remodel, such as tiles, cabinets, and appliances, to estimate the total material costs. The calculator will help you keep track of expenses and ensure you stay within budget. You can compare prices and choose cost-effective options for your renovation.

Calculate Labor Costs

Specify the number of hours and labor rate to calculate the total labor costs for your kitchen remodel. Factor in costs for hiring professionals like carpenters, plumbers, and electricians. This will give you an idea of the overall expenses involved in hiring help for your renovation project.

Compare Appliance Costs

Enter the brand and model of appliances you plan to purchase to compare prices from different retailers. This will help you find the best deals and make informed decisions on where to buy your appliances. You can also factor in delivery and installation costs for a comprehensive comparison.

Estimate Plumbing Costs

Input details about plumbing fixtures and services needed for your kitchen remodel to estimate the total plumbing costs. This includes costs for installing sinks, faucets, and dishwashers. The calculator will breakdown the expenses, helping you budget accordingly for plumbing work.

Calculate Electrical Costs

Specify the electrical work required, such as lighting fixtures and outlet installations, to calculate the total electrical costs. Input the number of fixtures and the complexity of the electrical tasks to get an accurate estimate. This will assist you in planning and budgeting for electrical services.

Estimate Painting Costs

Enter the dimensions of the walls and ceiling to estimate the total paint needed for your kitchen remodel. Input the paint type and price per gallon to calculate the overall painting costs. This will give you an idea of the expenses involved in painting your kitchen.

Determine Timeline

Input the start date and project duration to determine the timeline for your kitchen remodel. Factor in the time needed for ordering materials, completing labor tasks, and any unexpected delays. The calculator will help you set realistic deadlines and plan your renovation efficiently.

Calculate Total Project Costs

After entering all the details, including materials, labor, appliances, and services, the calculator will provide an estimate of the total project costs. This comprehensive calculation will give you a clear picture of the overall expenses involved in your kitchen remodel. You can adjust the inputs to stay within your budget and make informed decisions.

Save and Print Results

Once you have calculated all the costs and details for your kitchen remodel, you can save and print the results for future reference. This feature allows you to keep track of your budget, materials, and timeline. You can also share the results with contractors or suppliers for accurate quotes and planning.

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