Oval Pool Volume Calculator – Accurate Water Measurement

This tool quickly calculates the volume of your oval pool based on its dimensions.

Oval Pool Volume Calculator

Use this calculator to determine the volume of your oval-shaped pool. Provide the major axis (length), minor axis (width), and average depth of the pool. You can choose the conversion factor to get the result in gallons (USA), gallons (UK), or liters.

How to Use:

  • Enter the length of the pool in the Major Axis field.
  • Enter the width of the pool in the Minor Axis field.
  • Enter the average depth of the pool in the Depth field.
  • Select the desired conversion factor from the drop-down menu.
  • Click the “Calculate” button to get the volume.

How It Calculates:

The volume of an oval pool is calculated using the formula for the volume of an ellipsoid (a 3D shape resembling an elongated sphere). The formula is: V = π * (major_axis/2) * (minor_axis/2) * depth. The result is then multiplied by the selected conversion factor to provide the volume in gallons (USA), gallons (UK), or liters.


This calculator provides an estimated volume based on the average depth. Actual volume may vary if the pool has uneven depth or other complex shapes. Ensure you measure accurately for the most precise result.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate the Volume of an Oval Pool based on Length, Width, and Depth

Enter the length, width, and depth of the oval pool to determine the volume. Our calculator will instantly provide you with the accurate volume measurement so you can plan your pool maintenance and chemicals accordingly.

Estimate the Amount of Water needed to Fill the Oval Pool

Input the length, width, and depth of the oval pool to get an estimate of the water required for filling it. This feature helps you budget and ensure you have enough water before starting the filling process.

Adjust Pool Design by Experimenting with Different Dimensions

Play around with various length, width, and depth combinations to see the impact on the pool volume. This interactive feature allows you to visualize how changes in dimensions affect the overall capacity of the oval pool.

Compare Volume Measurements for Different Oval Pool Shapes

Compare the volumes of oval pools with different dimensions to make an informed decision on the perfect size for your space. Easily switch between pool designs to find the most suitable option for your needs.

Visualize the Oval Pool with Interactive Graphics

Get a visual representation of the oval pool based on the dimensions you input. Our interactive graphics showcase the shape and size of the pool, making it easier for you to envision the final product.

Save and Share your Oval Pool Dimensions and Volume

Save your oval pool dimensions and volume calculations for future reference. Share this information with your contractor or friends to discuss your pool project or seek advice on the best design for your space.

Plan Chemical Treatments with Accurate Volume Measurements

Use the calculated volume of your oval pool to determine the exact amount of chemicals needed for proper maintenance. Avoid overuse or underuse of chemicals by relying on precise volume measurements.

Optimize Water Circulation System by Knowing Pool Volume

Understanding the volume of your oval pool helps in optimizing the efficiency of your water circulation system. By inputting the accurate volume, you can ensure proper filtration and chemical distribution throughout the pool.

Calculate Pool Heating Requirements with Volume Data

Determine the heating requirements for your oval pool based on its volume. Input the pool dimensions to get an estimate of the energy needed to maintain the desired water temperature, allowing you to plan for efficient heating solutions.

Easily Convert Volume Measurements to Different Units

Convert the calculated volume of your oval pool to different units such as cubic meters, gallons, or liters. This feature provides flexibility in understanding the pool capacity based on your preferred unit of measurement.

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