This tool will help you quickly estimate the total cost of building your desired pool.
Pool Cost Calculator
Use this calculator to estimate the cost of building your pool. Just enter the dimensions of the pool, the cost per gallon of water, and the installation cost.
How It Works
This calculator takes the length, width, and depth of the pool to calculate the total volume in cubic feet. This volume is then converted to gallons, and the user-provided cost per gallon is used to estimate the cost of filling the pool. The installation cost is then added to give the final estimated cost.
How to Use
- Enter the length, width, and depth of the pool in feet.
- Enter the cost per gallon of water in dollars.
- Enter the installation cost in dollars.
- Click the “Calculate” button to see the total estimated cost.
- This calculator provides an estimate based on the input values and may not reflect the exact final cost.
- Costs can vary based on materials, location, and additional features not accounted for in this calculator.