Retaining Wall Cost Calculator | Estimate Your Project

This tool helps you quickly calculate the cost of building a retaining wall.

Use this calculator to estimate the cost of building a retaining wall.

How to Use:

  • Enter the length, height, and thickness of the wall in meters.
  • Input the material cost per cubic meter and labor cost per cubic meter in your preferred currency.
  • Include any additional miscellaneous costs that may be incurred.
  • Click “Calculate” to get the estimated total cost of building the retaining wall.

How the Calculation Works:

  • The calculator determines the volume of the wall using the formula: volume = length * height * thickness.
  • The total material cost is calculated by multiplying the volume by the material cost per cubic meter.
  • The total labor cost is determined by multiplying the volume by the labor cost per cubic meter.
  • The estimated total cost is the sum of the material cost, labor cost, and miscellaneous costs.


  • This calculator assumes uniform wall dimensions and cost rates.
  • Actual costs may vary based on specific project conditions, variations in material costs, and additional labor or equipment needed.

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