Small Bathroom Remodel Cost Calculator – Budget Your Remodel

This tool calculates the estimated total cost for your bathroom remodel based on your specific preferences and inputs.

Bathroom Remodel Cost Calculator

This calculator helps you estimate the cost of remodeling your bathroom based on several parameters, such as the dimensions of the bathroom, and the cost of materials including flooring, tiles, and paint, as well as labor and miscellaneous expenses.

How to Use the Calculator

  1. Enter the length and width of your bathroom in feet.
  2. Enter the cost per square foot for the flooring, tiles, and paint.
  3. Enter the labor cost per hour and the estimated number of labor hours required.
  4. Enter any miscellaneous costs.
  5. Click “Calculate” to get the total estimated cost of your bathroom remodel.

How the Calculation Works

The calculator multiplies the bathroom area by the cost per square foot for flooring, tiles, and paint, and adds these amounts to the total. It also multiplies the labor cost per hour by the estimated labor hours and adds it to the total cost. Finally, it adds any miscellaneous costs to give you the final estimated cost.


This calculator provides an estimate and actual costs may vary. It does not account for complexities such as plumbing, electrical work, or other unforeseen expenses that may arise during the remodel process.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate the Total Cost

Enter the square footage of your bathroom, select the materials and finishes you want, and input any additional features like a new bathtub or vanity. The calculator will provide you with a comprehensive estimate including labor costs.

Compare Different Material Options

Experiment with different tile, flooring, and fixture choices to see how they impact the overall cost of your bathroom remodel. Easily swap out options to find the perfect balance of quality and budget for your renovation project.

Estimate Labor Costs

Input the hours of labor needed for your remodel, along with the average hourly rate for contractors in your area. The calculator will compute the labor costs based on the scope of work required for your project.

Determine Permit Fees

Factor in permit fees by selecting your location or entering your city to generate an estimate of the costs associated with obtaining the necessary permits for your bathroom renovation.

Include Plumbing and Electrical Work

Add plumbing and electrical work details, such as moving fixtures or installing new lighting, to the calculator to get an accurate cost projection that covers both materials and labor for these specialized services.

Calculate Painting and Finish Costs

Specify if you want to include painting the walls, ceilings, or trim in your remodel project. The calculator will factor in the cost of paint, primer, and labor for finishing touches that can transform the look of your bathroom.

Customize Your Vanity Options

Select pre-made vanities or customize the size and materials to see how it affects the total cost. Explore various vanity configurations and finishes to find the perfect combination that fits your style and budget.

Plan for Demolition and Disposal

Don’t forget to account for demolition and disposal costs when renovating your bathroom. Input the square footage of the area to be demolished to calculate the expenses for removing old fixtures, tiles, and debris from the site.

Adjust for Contingency and Unexpected Costs

Allocate a percentage of your total budget for unexpected expenses that may arise during the renovation process. Use the calculator to adjust your estimates and ensure you have a financial buffer for any unforeseen challenges.

Save and Print Your Estimate

After inputting all the necessary details, save your estimate for future reference or print it out for easy comparison with other quotes. Keep track of your budget and materials choices to make informed decisions throughout your bathroom remodel project.

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