Square Footage Calculator for Tile | Accurate Measurements

Calculate the total square footage needed for your tile project accurately with this tool.

How to Use the Square Footage Calculator for Tiles

This calculator helps you determine the number of tiles required for a given area. Simply provide the length and width of the area to be tiled, the size of the tiles, and an estimated wastage percentage.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Enter the Length of the area in feet.
  2. Enter the Width of the area in feet.
  3. Enter the Tile Size in inches.
  4. Enter the Wastage percentage (default is 10%).
  5. Click on the Calculate button to see the number of tiles required.

How it Calculates the Results:

The calculator first determines the total area to be tiled in square feet by multiplying Length by Width. Then, it converts the tile size from inches to feet and calculates the area of a single tile in square feet. Next, it divides the total area by the area of a single tile to get the number of tiles required. Finally, it adds the wastage percentage to account for any cuts or breakages, and rounds up to the nearest whole number to ensure you have enough tiles.


This calculator assumes that the entire area will be covered with full tiles, and does not account for any special patterns or designs you might use. Always double-check measurements and allow for a margin of error in any DIY project.

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