Use this Taxi Fare Estimator to accurately calculate your taxi fare in Queensland.
How to Use the Taxi Fare Estimator
To use the calculator, please follow these steps:
- Enter the Distance of your trip in kilometers.
- Select the Time of Day during which you are travelling: Day (6am – 8pm) or Night (8pm – 6am).
- Choose the Traffic Conditions you expect during your trip: Light, Moderate, or Heavy.
- Enter the Number of Passengers for your trip.
- Optionally, enter the total Waiting Time in minutes if there will be significant waiting during your trip.
- Click the Calculate button to see the estimated fare.
Method of Calculation
The calculator estimates the total fare based on several parameters:
- A base fare of $3.50 is added to every trip.
- The cost per kilometer is $2.50, which can increase depending on the time of day and traffic conditions:
- During the night (8pm – 6am), the rate per kilometer increases by 20%.
- For moderate traffic, the rate per kilometer increases by 10%.
- For heavy traffic, the rate per kilometer increases by 30%.
- An additional waiting time cost of $0.50 per minute may be added if applicable.
Please note the following limitations of this estimator:
- This is just an estimate and the final fare may vary depending on actual travel conditions.
- While the calculator considers various factors, it may not account for all possible scenarios like detours or extraordinary traffic delays.
- The number of passengers does not affect the fare in this estimator; however, real-world taxi services might have different pricing policies.