This tool helps you calculate the number of tiles you need based on the area in square feet.
How to Use the Tile Calculator
To use this tile calculator, please provide the following input values:
- Length (feet): The length of the area you plan to tile.
- Width (feet): The width of the area you plan to tile.
- Tile Length (inches): The length of one tile.
- Tile Width (inches): The width of one tile.
- Gap Between Tiles (inches): The gap you intend to keep between adjacent tiles. Default is 0 if not specified.
- Wastage Percentage (%): The percentage of extra tiles you want to account for wastage. Default is 10% if not specified.
After entering the values, click the “Calculate” button to find out how many tiles you need.
How the Calculation Works
The calculator first converts the area dimensions from feet to inches and calculates the total area in square inches. It then calculates the area of one tile (including any gaps specified). It divides the total area by the area of one tile to get the number of tiles required. Finally, it adds the wastage percentage to cover for cuts and breakages.
Please note, this calculator gives an estimate. Actual tile usage may vary depending on the layout and design of the tiling project. Always consult with a professional for precise measurements.