Wall Square Footage Calculator – Simple & Accurate Measurements

This tool helps you calculate the square footage of your wall quickly and easily.

How to Use the Wall Square Footage Calculator

To calculate the square footage of a wall, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the width of the wall in feet.
  2. Enter the height of the wall in feet.
  3. Enter the number of windows and doors in the wall.
  4. Enter the average square footage of the windows and doors.
  5. Click “Calculate” to get the net square footage of the wall.

How It Works

The calculator multiplies the width and height to find the total wall area. It then subtracts the total area of all windows and doors to provide the net wall area.

Total Wall Area = Width x Height

Total Area of Windows/Doors = Number of Windows/Doors x Average Area of Each

Net Wall Area = Total Wall Area – Total Area of Windows/Doors


This calculator assumes that all windows and doors have approximately the same area. It does not account for walls with irregular shapes or multiple sections.

Ensure all inputs are positive numbers. The net wall area cannot be negative; if so, verify the inputs for any errors.